The School was opened with the objective of offering rudimentary education to the children who would obviously continue studying in the United Kingdom. As a result, the pioneering pupils were mostly children of expatriates. However, the doors of admission were thrown open to all irrespective of nationality, religion or background. The initial curriculum includes Scripture, Arithmetic, English, Writing, History, Geography, French, Handcraft, Needlework, Embroidery, Simple Weaving, Puppet Making, Singing and Dancing. Over the years, as more and more children with Nigerian Parentage were enrolled and who continued their education in colleges and universities in Nigeria, the curriculum of the school changed to Nigerian curriculum to accommodate these children and their interest but extend and enhance their learning experience by including element of the British Curriculum and offering a wider international perspective to their learning.
St. Saviour’s school offers a broad and balanced education, preparing our children to succeed in a challenging global community. Our children build their understanding of the multi- cultural world in which they live, on an inherent pride in their own nationality and culture.
They are taught tolerance and respect for all people, irrespective of their race, culture or religion, treating them with dignity and equality.
Through the curriculum, St. Saviour’s pupils are taught to be good citizens, with a sense of responsibility to themselves and others. They are taught life skills that will enable them to compete successfully in an every changing and challenging community.
Their problem-solving skills, creative and independent thinking, as well as entrepreneurial skills will provide them with confidence to fulfill their potential and make a meaningful contribution in later life.
Parents are encouraged to share the education journey of their children and this is actively promoted within the curriculum and in the wider school activities.
Their problem-solving skills, creative and independent thinking, as well as entrepreneurial skills will provide them with confidence to fulfill their potential and make a meaningful contribution in later life.
Parents are encouraged to share the education journey of their children and this is actively promoted within the curriculum and in the wider school activities.
Developing Values
Through Religious Education and Moral Instruction, the children are taught valuable lessons, based on the teaching s of the Bible. Children are taught to treat each other with kindness and respect. They are taught to be thoughtful, generous and compassionate and to seek opportunities where they can help and support each other. St Saviour’s children are taught to accept responsibility for their actions and to make amends when necessary.
They are encouraged to celebrate the success of others and to endeavour always, to do their best.
Developing Social Skills
St. Saviour’s School, Ebute Metta provides a wide range of opportunities for children to develop their ability to interact with their peers and other adults, with confidence and respect. They are taught to share their views, ideas and opinions, communicating effectively, whilst respecting the point of view of others within their group.
They learn about team work, on and off the sports field. These skills are those that will enable them to act as confident adults in a competitive world.
Pupils are taught English, Maths and Science. Together with Science the Curriculum makes provision for Health Education and Agriculture. They are taught Religious Education and Moral Instruction. They learn about their country and the rest of the world in Social Studies and have the opportunity to study both Yoruba and French.
Children enjoy Physical Education, Art and Music. Computer skills are taught in the IT suite and across all other subject areas.