Mission Statement
” To provide an enabling environment which inspires excellence, lifelong learning and global citizenship.”
St. Saviour’s School Ebute Metta strives to provide, for the children of Lagos, an affordable good quality education in a safe, secure and stimulating environment.
The schools sets a high standard of achievement and all our pupils are encouraged to try their very best at everything they set out to do.
The school seeks to provide opportunities for all children to enjoy an enriching and broad learning experience, where they can develop their l skills on their personal journey to reach their full and true potential.
Children are made conscious of the world around them, how to communicate effectively, to co-operate with others and to adopt a positive approach to their learning. They are taught about making a valuable contribution to society and to accept their responsibility in the preservation of the environment for future generations.
Pupils of St. Saviour’s School, Ebute Metta are expected to set themselves personal goals that reflect their commitment to their own independent learning, developing an enquiring spirit and desire to succeed.
It is the policy of the school to seek opportunities to involve parents in the learning of their children in order to maximise the children’s learning experience and to promote unity and cohesion within the school community.
School Organisation
The school enrols pupils from Nursery 1.
There are 4 classes in Nursery 1 and 2.
From Primary 1 to Primary 6 there are 3 classes per year group.
Each year has a Year Head and there are 4 Sectional Heads, who together with the Deputy Head Teacher and Head Teacher form the Senior Management Team.
There are various Subject Co-ordinators.
Class teachers are responsible for the day to day delivery of the Curriculum, guided by the Long and Medium Term Planning, from which their weekly plans are devised.
Subject Co-Ordinators review the Planning annually and Year Heads monitor the weekly plans, in the first instance. The SMT monitors all planning.
All planning is required to meet the needs of all pupils, differentiated to allow all pupils to access learning, to be challenged in order to extend their learning.
Every Child Matters (ECM)
St. Saviour’s School Ebute Metta, is committed to the ECM agenda:
Be Healthy- Learn skills to make choices in health through understanding how to keep fit, mentally, socially, physically and spiritually.
Stage Safe- To be able to access information through reading instructions visual contexts and role play.
Enjoy and Achieve- To develop new knowledge about themselves and the world.
Make a Positive Contribution- To experience new situations through positive activities which will help mould and build confidence.
Economic Well Being- To have the preparation to be an active member of society.
Monitoring Progress
Pupils progress is closely monitored through a carefully structured timetable of class based Continuous Assessment and formal testing, every term.
Examinations are written at the end of every term.
An Open Day for parents is held each term where parents have the opportunity to view their child’s work and discuss their progress with the teachers.
Pupils are guided by the teachers to assess their own performance, in order to understand what they need to do to improve and to recognise the next steps in their learning journey.